Fulmina Sagl

243025736 · Active
Address : Via G.B. Pioda 14 6900 Lugano
Creation : 05/09/2019
Officers : Bruno Guy Marie Sebire, Christian René Jacques Lamandé, Guo Luyao, Alexandre Anael François Paul Sebire, Chen Xiaojing

Legal information of Fulmina Sagl

Number : 243025736
Legal form : Société à responsabilité limitée

Activity of Fulmina Sagl

NACE code : Unavailable data

Officers and representatives of Fulmina Sagl

  • Bruno Guy Marie Sebire
    associé et président de l'organe de gestion
    In office since the 05/09/2019
  • M Christian René Jacques Lamandé
    associé et gérant + actuaire
    In office since the 05/09/2019
  • F Guo Luyao
    associée et gérante
    In office since the 05/09/2019
  • Alexandre Anael François Paul Sebire
    associé et gérant + directeur
    In office since the 05/09/2019
  • F Chen Xiaojing
    associée et gérante
    In office since the 05/09/2019

Legal documents of Fulmina Sagl

No document is available for this company.

Annual accounts of Fulmina Sagl

No account is available for this company.

How to contact Fulmina Sagl ?

Phone : Not available
Email : Not available
Website : Not available
Address : Via G.B. Pioda 14
6900 Lugano